CREPIM benefits from strong bonds with several networks and associations
CREPIM is historically linked to the «Unité Matériaux et Transformations» (UMET-CNRS UMR 8207) laboratory at Lille University. The UMET body both aims to lead the activities dealing with material science within the Chevreuil Federation at Lille University and also giving birth to synergistic collaborations required to do more and more efficient research in a context of increasing national and worldwide competition. The whole unit is willing to exhibit some cohesiveness on topics approached, since the teams' core competencies are dealing with material science.
CREPIM also collaborates with the «Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Lille», its historical partner. The ENSCL benefits from a strong link to industry, several international exchanges, and a high level research combined to an ethical vision of the training and practice of chemistry.
CREPIM has just set up a common body with Jules Verne University in Picardie (France), and more precisely the Professor Postel’s laboratory. This joint-venture called SERFBIO offers global packages from organic synthesis, to technological development and qualification of fire retardant solutions. This association opens up new areas of technology such as organic synthesis, especially functionalization of sugar alcohols and monosaccharides, development of tools dealing with the the vectorization of active ingredients and glycoside skeleton. This skill can be adapted to your specific needs in order to develop brand new generations of additives.
Interreg Network
The INTERREG is a European program of border cooperation aspiring to strengthen economic and social exchanges between Nord Pas de Calais and neighbouring regions.
The INTERREG V A program France – Wallonia – Vlaanderen is a European program of border cooperation aspiring to strengthen economic and social exchanges between Nord Pas de Calais / Champagne-Ardenne / Picardie in France and Wallonia / Vlaanderen in Belgium.
Le CREPIM is taking an active part to international network that allows you to build new industrial partnerships and offers growing possibilities. CREPIM consequently plays a major role through its involvement in several European networks.
Le CREPIM was or is still partner of the following cross-border projects :
Sovereign network
- As part of its French accreditation, the CREPIM is member of the CECMI « Comité d’Etudes et de Classification des Matériaux et éléments de construction par rapport au danger d’Incendie » directed by the Minister of the Interior. Created by the Decree of 22 December of 1949 this comity aims to regulate methods, testing apparatus and classification of construction product according to their reaction to fire. This group is also in charge of the notified bodies. See reviews of the CECMI and Central Commission for security.
- As a notified body, the CREPIM is a member of GT10: This workgroup is composed of French notified bodies and the administration. This group prepares the French decisions for the AG-GNB. The animation and secretarial department are under the authority of CSTB which represents the French notified bodies to the AG-GNB as well.
- As a testing and certification laboratory, the CREPIM also plays an important role within the French standardization committee, especially the P 92 (EN TC 127)
- The CREPIM participates to various round robbing tests, especially those organized by CERTIFER and the other accredited bodies.
Professional networks
- GTFI : «Groupement Technique Français contre l’Incendie», professional syndicate created in 1948, gathers everyone who is acting for the passive fire protection in the field of building, fitting out and mass transportation. Whoever manufacturing, selling or setting up products and materials which improve the fire properties and classification, can join.
- AIF : «Association des Industries Ferroviaires».
- FIF : The « Fédération des Industries Ferroviaires » comprises today more than 260 companies, representing an overview of the railway industry: rolling stock manufacturers, engineering, railway equipment manufacturers, way signalization industrials, design and testing body; the whole industrial value chain is part of the FIF.
- SECUFOFEU : The syndicalist congress of fire retardant product aims to develop brands for the high performance fire retarded products. The success of our brands is due to the great fame of them: "NONFEU" et "STOPFLAM".
- SFEC : The «Syndicat français des enducteurs calandreurs».
- ARIA : Private association of automotive industry companies created in 1996, it represents nowadays 130 members.
The CREPIM participates to the regional economic development throughout its active involvement to the business clusters
- The regional cluster "Action plasturgie Artois Flandres APAF" - Action Plasturgie Artois Flandres - Industrial networking... Skills network. Action Plasturgie Artois Flandres, 1901 law association, aims to create links between polymer processing companies thus promoting innovation to increase their competitiveness.
- Team² (Technologies de l'Environnement Appliquées aux Matières et aux Matériaux) : business cluster focused on recycling technologies, upcycling and recyclability of various materials.
- I-Trans : Located in Nord Pas-de-Calais and Picardie, i-Trans cluster is specialized in mass transportation especially focused on its durability and logistics. Highly known for its scientific and industrials skills in different sectors such as railway, automotive, intelligent transport systems and services, the cluster gathers since 2005 the major actors from industry, research and training in those fields.
- EuraMaterials : This business cluster is a network knot. Its members are research laboratories from High Schools and Universities, and companies, all involved in research programs. The topics concerned by this cluster include: Technical textiles/Polysensitive techniques/ Design and mass customization.
- IAR : The cluster «Industries & Agro-Ressources» (IAR) gives a chance to develop and test brand new technologies based on renewable strategies. Consequently, it opens new markets thus increasing companies competitiveness working on agricultural resources.
CREPIM interacts with regional and national institutions on the topics of Research and Technological Development
- CABBALR, which is one of the largest federation of municipalities in France. Artois comm gathers 59 communes, more or less 210 000 inhabitants, on an area of 386 km². Its main specificity is to be structured around two cities, Béthune and Bruay-La-Buissière, in a mainly rural area (more or less thirty towns of less than 2 500 inhabitants), on the edge of the old mining area of Nord-Pas-de-Calais.
- Conseil régional du Nord Pas De Calais, Conseil régional du Nord Pas De Calais, especially the DAE « Direction de l’Action Economique » and DRESSTIC (Direction Recherche, Enseignement Supérieur, Santé et Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication). Represented by 113 councillors, 5 800 agents, a budget of 2 billion euros, the region acts through local actors (federations of municipalities, associations, organisms, companies,…), to improve the life quality of people and imagine the future.
- The CREPIM regularly organizes scientific Councils leaded in partnership with the « Délégation Régionale à la Recherche et à la Technologie » - Nord-Pas-de-Calais (DRRT), thus warranting the high scientific level of developments carried out within the CREPIM